Credits: All people who requested one or several of these careers EA Games and Maxis SimPE This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!) - -- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
IMPORTANT I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Credits: All people who requested one or several of these careers EA Games and Maxis SimPE This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!) - -- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
IMPORTANT I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
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As I do take requests, Dragon_Girl90requested the career Consulting Detective. This is a career for adults. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite). No EP required Click the button to see more information. If you also have a request please go here:
Requester Dragon_Girl90 Career Title Consulting Detective Careerreward Fingerprinting Scanner
Level 1 Title Amateur Detective Description Normal careers just aren’t for you, other Sims might be willing to settle for a normal but boring career but you want more. Your family and friends might think that you are mad but you’ve decided to start your own career based on your observation skills and love of deduction. The work is hard and the pay is low, but what can you expect with only starting just starting out? Hopefully you are friends will be willing to help you move on in your career. Wages 120 Days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Starthour 06.00 Working hours 10.00 Outfit Everyday outfit Carpool Taxi
Level 2 Title Budding Detective Description Finally, you’ve managed to get some recognition, in the form of a couple of simple cases that friends of friends have given you. While you are glad that you are advancing in your chosen career, you just wish that your cases were a little more interesting rather than just finding missing pets. What you would like to start doing is helping the Police solve some of their more difficult cases, but no one will let you anywhere near their crime scene. Increase your logic skills to aid your deductions, your body skills so you can dash off to chase a clue at a moment’s notice and friends to help you actually get onto those crime scenes. Wages 150 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Starthour 07.00 Working hours 09.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Taxi Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 1 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 3 Title Professional Detective Description While you still aren’t allowed onto crime scenes, you’ve managed to gain some more interesting cases. One of your previous clients’ sister asked you to find her fiancé and recommended you to all her friends when you found him for her. Now you are being asked to help find people and jewellery as rather than pets, which is slightly more interesting but you are still not solving the crimes that the Police is too stupid to. Improve your logic again to increase your power of deduction and your cooking skills so you can run experiments to improve your knowledge of the world. Wages 190 Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Starthour 07.00 Working hours 09.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Taxi Cooking + 2 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 4 Title Unofficial Police Consultant Description All those friends you’ve made and the hard hours solving boring cases have finally paid off, you’re finally being allowed onto crime scenes. Of course, most of the Police hate you for making them look bad, so things haven’t gotten any easier. Still, the cases are interesting (for the most part) and the pay is better but you still want to advance your career. Continue to improve your logic, cooking and body skills and you might gain even more recognition. Wages 260 Days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 08.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Police Cooking + 1 Mechanical + 0 Body + 2 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 5 Title Consulting Detective Description Solving all those cases for the Police has paid off, you have more clients than ever and the Police now consults you officially. Things are finally starting to look up for you, even those Police officers who hated you are eating their words. But you’ve read in the paper about some Government problems, and you know that one of your relatives who works for the Government is behind trying to solve them. Improve your charisma, logic and creativity skills and make some more friends to try and persuade them to ask for your help. Wages 480 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 08.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Sedan Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 2 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 6 Title Governmental Consultant Description Using all your new charisma, you finally persuade your relative that it’s in their best interest to ask for your help. Turns out that the ‘problems’ hinted at in the newspapers was a classified matter to do with the ambassador of a neighbouring country. You have faith in yourself to sort the problem out, although your relative is more nervous so you need to calm him down and solve this quickly. Improve your charisma, creativity, logic and body skills to successfully solve this latest case. Wages 800 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Starthour 06.00 Working hours 09.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Sports Car - Mid Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 2 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 2 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 0
Level 7 Title Private Consulting Detective Description The ambassador was so impressed with your work that he has ensured that the Government continues to consult you on the toughest cases and the Police has followed this example. You get offered cases of all sorts by ordinary people too, and they pay you better than before for your services. You get to choose which cases you take so, of course, you only take the most interesting ones while occasionally choosing more boring ones for a good cause. Improve your body, logic, creativity and mechanical skills to help with your cases. Wages 990 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 06.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Sports Car - Super Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 2 Body + 2 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 2 Logic + 2 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 8 Title Recognised Deductive Expert Description People are starting to take note of how high your deductive skills are and you are being plagued to teach people everything you know. While you often refuse them as they are simply not observant enough, you will teach those who have the ability to learn; you also give guest lectures at universities and have continued to take what cases you feel are interesting. But your fame has caused the daughter of an old adversary of yours to plot revenge against you. Brush up on your logic, body, mechanical and charisma skills and gain friends to improve your chances of surviving this encounter. Wages 1500 Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 05.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Sports Car - Super Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 2 Body + 2 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 0 Logic + 2 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 9 Title Legend Description Even though it nearly cost you your life, you beat your old nemesis’ daughter and it has raised your profile even more. You are now a household name and even get greeted in the street by complete strangers who are fans of your work and get countless marriage proposals from admirers. Your skills have become legendary and you are now the person they call in when no one else can figure a case out. Improve your logic, creativity, mechanical and charisma skills to complete some of your most epic cases. Wages 2500 Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 05.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Helicopter - Executive Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 2 Body + 0 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 2 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 10 Title Retired Detective Description After too many cases to properly keep count of, many dangerous situations and several encounters with more than one nemesis, you are tired of being in the public eye. You make the decision to retire from official cases in order to spend more time with your experiments. You still take cases from time to time, just not major ones or only in dire circumstances. You find that retirement suits you and enjoy your new freedom to pursue your interests. Wages 5000 Days Tuesday, Wednesday Starthour 10.00 Working hours 05.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Limo Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 2 Logic + 0 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 0
Original icon Justification by requester While there are plenty of detective careers out there, they're mainly Police based and they're a little bit difficult to use if you're playing a Victorian neighborhood/lot as they tend to be set in modern day. I also felt that it was something that was a little bit different but with the increase in interest in Sherlock Holmes, would be well received. It's something that I would try to find out how to make myself but I would prefer ask someone who has created really good quality careers if they will make it rather than try it myself and muck it up.
Credits: All people who requested one or several of these careers EA Games and Maxis SimPE This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!) - -- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
IMPORTANT I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Credits: All people who requested one or several of these careers EA Games and Maxis SimPE This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!) - -- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
IMPORTANT I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
When I was creating one of the first dresses I ever created, I came to the problem that I didn't see the correct thumbnail. The thumbnail was different from the dress the sim was wearing.
The trick is to delete this file: CASThumbnails.package
Refresh BodyShop thumbnails. There are times when the thumbnailpreview doesn’t get updated for one reason or another. BodyShop thumbnailpreviews are stored in the following file: My Documents\EA Games\The Sims2\cigen.package. To refresh the previews simply delete that file. Next timeyou run BodyShop, it will create a blank cigen.package file forcing allthe previews to be generated again.
Refresh CAS screen thumbnails. Delete the following file: MyDocuments\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails\ CASThumbnails.package.Next time you run the game, the file will be recreated and the game forced togenerate all the thumbnail previews.
Don't worry about deleting it. When you start the game after deleting this file, the game will automaticly recreate this file and refresh it.
Something new is started at S2I. For the very first time I tried to create clothes and I must say I like the first result so I want to make more clothes. In this post you can find the meshes I used to create clothes.
This is the first time I made clothes. It's a dress made for Young Adult Females and Adult Female sims. The mesh is made by liana at
IMPORTANT MESH NEEDED You can find the mesh here: The mesh needed is LS155
Credits: All people who requested one or several of these careers EA Games and Maxis SimPE This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!) - -- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
IMPORTANT I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...