


woensdag 6 oktober 2010

Project Realistic Ages SIMS 3

In addition to the Project Realistic Ages for SIMS 2, I can now present the same (Base Game) age mod for Sims 3. All the ages Short to Epic are the same and as followed:
Baby: 3 months = 3 days
Toddlers: 69 Days
Children: 84 Days
Teens: 72 Days
Young adults: 184 Days
Adults: 368 Days
Total of baby to adult: 780 days/12 = 65 years

Elders have no days, but a chance to die tied to the short, epic, ect age span length. It is 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, 5%. With short being the highest and epic the lowest.

My biggest thanks go to Tiake on MTS as he made this mod and gave me permission to put it on a website.

Additional credits:
Peter L Jones (maker of the package editor), Tiake (for making this and permission to repost to my heart's content)

Attachment: RealisticAges by Tiake - lientebollemeis variant.zip Downloads:

maandag 23 augustus 2010

MESH necklaces on MTS & TSR

I uploaded some necklaces  on TSR. In order for those necklaces to work, you need a MESH.That can be found here.
With a lot of thanks to Dr_Pixel on MTS. 
The necklaces Alphabet Black Arial (for females) can be found here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1002898

Attachment Female MESH: MESH_DPXLalphaEaringsNecklace080405.zip Downloads:
Attachment Male MESH: MESH_DPXL122705MaleNecklace.zip Downloads:

donderdag 8 juli 2010

Created by Lientebollemeis: Postcards: 23 Father's Day cards

These are 23 Father's Day cards for your sims to send to anyone they know in the neighbourhood. The receiver will get a small boost to the relationship with the sender when the recipient looks at the card.

I know Father's Day is already over in some countries, but it doesn't mean you can't still send them in your game.

You will need the postal system of MogHughson which you can find here. That thread also contains all information about how to use these cards. You can even make your cards yourself with different categories.

I used images from MS Office Word and I found 12 different texts on this site: http://festivals.iloveindia.com/fathers-day/fathers-day-messages.html

Have fun!

Attachment: ScreenshotInGameFathersDay1.jpg Downloads:
Attachment: ScreenshotInGameFathersDay2.jpg Downloads:
Attachment: ScreenshotInGameFathersDay3.jpg Downloads:
Attachment: PostcardsFathersDay-Liente-20100705.zip Downloads:

zondag 23 mei 2010

Other mods: Insiminator

There are 3 versions:
  • DEST edition
    • The Spawn... menu appears when you click the ground. You can buy the individual sections in buy mode - electronics - all.
  • OBJ edition
    • You can buy the individual sections in buy mode - electronics - all.
  • SIM edition
    • The Spawn... menu appears when you click on the sim. You can buy the individual sections in buy mode - electronics - all.

You can download all 3 versions on this site: