This is a career for adults. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite).
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The creation will be/was published Dec 29, 2011
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Requester SimBeatle1979
Career Title Style Council Bandmember
Careerreward Guitar (University needed only for the reward)
Level 1
Title Cleanup crewmember
Description Paul Weller, the Style Council's lead singer, understands you're one of their biggest fans. He has just hired you for a starting position. The whole band has been playing many venues, but has left you in charge of cleaning up the stages. Show the band how much the stage's well-kept appearance means to you and to their fans alike, and you'll be sure to go far here.
Wages 250
Days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Workhours 05.00, 07.00
Outfit Tweed Jacket
Carpool Hatchback
Level 2
Title Guitar tuner
Description The Style Council was so impressed with your cleaning skills that they moved you up a notch. Now Mr. Weller needs you to get their instruments ready for their next gig. Keep your mechanical and creativity skills on a good level to ensure the band's successful sound. That way, their fan base can continue to grow.
Wages 300
Days Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Workhours 04.00, 06.00
Outfit TweedJacket
Carpool Sedan
Skills Cleaning: 1
Mechanical: 2
Friends: 2
Level 3
Title Roadie
Description Good news. One of the roadies has quit, and Mr. Weller has asked you to fill in for him/her. This means you will have more to work with: Setting up the stage, tuning Mick Talbot's piano, and fixing the lights (Always the lights..). Keep building up your creativity and mechanical skills and making new friends, and someday you'll have your moment in the spotlight.
Wages 400
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Workhours 07.00, 09.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Sports Team Bus
Skills Mechanical: 4
Creativity: 2
Logic: 2
Friends: 3
Level 4
Title Lighting director
Description Now Mr. Weller has moved you up to work on the lights above the stage. This will really put more of your creativity and mechanical skills to good use. Also, try to use your charisma skills, which is part of the job. One thing to remember, though: Try not to set the stage on fire..
Wages 550
Days Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Workhours 06.00, 09.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Sports car-Mid
Skills Mechanical: 5
Creativity: 4
Logic: 3
Friends: 4
Level 5
Title Concert director
Description This time, the Style Council wants to direct one of their concerts. This means that now you get to provide the staging of their biggest hits as well as their latest songs. Maybe you can even help with the singers' choreography. Keep your creativity and charisma skills on high so that the band can build up the same impressive following they've had in their previous shows.
Wages 700
Days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Workhours 04.00, 07.00
Outfit Tweed Jacket
Carpool Sports Car-Super
Skills Charisma: 4
Mechanical: 6
Creativity: 6
Logic: 4
Friends: 6
Level 6
Title Councillor's Apprentice
Description Finally, you're moving up in this career. Mr. Weller needed a stage manager, or as the band calls them a "Councillor's Apprentice", to oversee their gigs and stage settings. This will be where your creative and mechanical skills will pay off big time for you. Keep your friendships and skills high and the Style Council's fan base higher, and someday you'll be joining the band.
Wages 900
Days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Workhours 06.00, 09.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Sports Car-Super
Skills Charisma: 5
Mechanical: 7
Creativity: 8
Logic: 5
Friends: 7
Level 7
Title Secondary keyboardist
Description Mick Talbot, the band's keyboardist, was so impressed with your skills that he convinced Mr. Weller to play alongside him. This is where you finally get some hands-on training with the band itself. Remember to keep practicing your creative and Charisma skills, or you'll end up letting the whole Style Council down. Also, keep your friendships, not to mention your fan base, on the highest level possible.
Wages 1200
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Workhours 08.00, 11.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Town Car
Skills Charisma: 6
Mechanical: 8
Creativity: 8
Logic: 6
Friends: 9
Level 8
Title backup singer
Description It's now time for you to be on stage with the Style Council. Paul and Mick were so impressed with your musical abilities that they asked you to sing backup for them in their shows. Continue to dazzle them with your charisma and creativity skills while on stage. Who knows how long the band's following will last.
Wages 1400
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Workhours 05.00, 08.00
Outfit Everyday
Carpool Sports Team Bus
Skills Charisma: 8
Logic: 7
Creativity: 8
Friends: 11
Level 9
Title Duettist
Description Nice singing. Paul Weller needs someone to perform a duet with, and you've been chosen for the job. Here now is where you'll need to build up your charisma and your creativity skills in order to attract more fans. Just don't mess up on the lyrics.
Wages 2000
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Workhours 09.00, 12.00
Outfit Everyday
Carpool Limo
Skills Charisma: 9
Logic: 8
Creativity: 9
Friends: 12
Level 10
Title Style Council Lead Singer
Description Rats and double rats. Paul Weller must have thought you upstaged him somewhat and left the Style Council for a solo career. The good news, however, is that he's now made you the band's new lead singer. Continue to impress Mick and Dee C. Lee with your excellent voice, as the spotlight now is on you're now the Ultimate Style Councillor..
Wages 5000
Days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Workhours 09.00, 12.00
Outfit Everyday
Carpool Limo
Skills Charisma: 10
Logic: 9
Creativity: 10
Friends: 13
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