Log in to your gmail account and confirm the invitation I sent.
Go to the blog and sign in with your Google account on the right top of the screen
Press this icon to make a new blogpost
Now you can write a title for the post and write a text. On the right side there are more options to add labels, schedule the post, ...
Press the icon "Publiceren"="post" to post the blogpost or press "opslaan"="save" to save the post as a concept. If you press “save” you need to press “sluiten”=”close” to go back
When you go back: On your left side you see "instellingen"="settings"
There you can setup an e-mailaddress to send to, so the blogpost is saved or posted right away.
Then you don't need to go to the blog every time to make a new post.
secretWords: Use a secret word only you know so only you can post in your name on the blog.
E-mail direct publiceren: The e-mail you send to this e-mailaddress will be posted on the blog right away.
E-mails opslaans als conceptbericht: When you send an e-mail to this address the post will be saved and not published. So you can edit it in when going to the blog and schedule, add labels,...
After you decided what option you'll use you press the button "instellingen opslaan"="save settings" on the right top side.
In this example the e-mailaddress to send to is: s2i.request.cornflakes@blogger.com
The posts will be saved first and won't be published right away.
P.S.: I’d like to keep the style of the blog the same for every blogpost. E.g.: Title always starts with “New”; always using the same labels for easy search on the blog;…
I give myself the right to change your blogpost to let it be the same style as all other blogposts. I won’t change the content unless it’s insulting or something like that.
There are many careers I made which don't have chance cards YET! I'm looking for very creative people who are willing to write chance cards for the careers I upload.
Translate a career here: http://bit.ly/P1ejML
Check this first:
Is the career already translated into the language you want?: http://bit.ly/PS89j8
Ever wanted to give your sims who didn't go to college a chance to go to college and receive a diploma? This is their chance! I made this career based on my Major NCIS. As a career reward your sims receive a diploma (1 tiled).
If you just want the career and not the reward, just don't download the reward. The career will still work in your game.
A little explanation: It’s a normal career track like you have so many others. The difference is that by the descriptions and level names I try to make it look like a major for the EP University except the Sims aren’t young adults, but adults. It exists in real life as well. When people are young they don’t have a diploma but when they are older (like in their forties or something) they want to have a diploma and go to adult education. But as there are 8 semesters for a major and 10 levels for a career I added two levels where you actually do some practice and earn some money, but it’s still Adult Education. In Belgium it exists that you go to college and in the last years of your major you earn some money during practice. I based this on my already existing NCIS major. The first 8 levels have the same name and required skills, but they now also have a description. The last 2 levels are new. You earn a diploma as a career reward. The follow up career like for the major, is NCIS McGee which was my first career ever made. The really good part of this is that players who don’t own the EP University can now let their sim earn a diploma as that is the career reward.
The diploma The diploma is a one-tiled painting. I made it by cloning The Lone Daisy and using one of these recolors by maree464: http://www.modthesims.info/d/96565 In other careers of this series, I might use the other recolors of maree464 or make some of my own. But as hers are really nice, I used that one for now. In game the careerreward looks still like The Lone Daisy, but when you hang it on the wall it looks like a diploma. This is a career for adults. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (overwrite of earlier version possible). No EP required Click the button to see more information. If you also have a request please go here: http://bit.ly/p9ymWC
This is a new random item. I have so many uploaded creations that it's easy to miss one. So once in a while I'll make a blogpost with a random item.
Download and more information here: MTS: http://bit.ly/eSSiWo These are twelve Valentinecards for your sims to send to anyone they know in the neighbourhood. The receiver will get a small boost to the relationship with the sender when the recipient looks at the card.
You will need the postalsystem of MogHughson which you can find here. That thread also contains all information about how to use these cards. You can even make your cards yourself with different categories.
I used google to find some images and texts for these cards. I wrote some texts myself as well.
This is a new random item. I have so many uploaded creations that it's easy to miss one. So once in a while I'll make a blogpost with a random item. (Also when there's a new comment on an old upload, I'll make such a blogpost.)
Description It's a calender of Harry Potter (2010). You can decide which month it is and the calender will change to the next month at midnight. You can change the calender manual as well.
As I do take requests, LaniLuvvYhu requested the career Professional Gymnast (slightly different version). This is a career for adults. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (overwrite of earlier version possible). No EP required Click the button to see more information. If you also have a request please go here: http://bit.ly/p9ymWC
Requester LaniLuvvYhu Career Title Professional Gymnast Careerreward Obstacle Course
Level 1 Title Recreational Gymnast Description Walking into a gym and seeing people flip around and do crazy things seems to fit your personality. So how about you do that? Thinking about being "Olympic Gymnast"? Well guess what, that dream is far-far away. However, with a some hard work and dedication you're sure to have that dream. For right now, just stick to cartwheels and forward rolls. Wages $100 Days Thursday, Saturday Starthour 12.00 Working hours 05.00 Outfit Everyday outfit Carpool Hatchback
Level 2 Title Prep Competition Gymnast Description Impressive! Finally, moved up into the prep competition team! You can compete now, just without all the major skills and injuries. No more baby swings on low bar, or handstands on the mat. It's time for push ups, push ups, and MORE push ups! Oh and did I forget rope climbs? Let's get to work, shall we? Wages $150 Days Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Starthour 13.00 Working hours 06.00 Outfit Sweatsuit Carpool Hatchback Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 1 Charisma + 1 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 3 Title Junior Gymnast Description Working hard or hardly working? It has to be the first option because you got some muscle now! Remember though, that big dream requires more time in the gym. Less of a social life. Plus, even more push ups! Yay! Routines and perfection are a given factor with every gymnast. Think about it though, you can finally beat your brother in arm wrestling! Wages $190 Days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Starthour 13.00 Working hours 06.00 Outfit Sweatsuit Carpool Sports Team Bus Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 1 Body + 2 Charisma + 2 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 4 Title Optional Gymnast Description Got that flyaway on bars yet? How about that back walkover on beam? Of course you do! No more will you and your team members have the same routines! You finally get to make up your own and be yourself. Find some good floor music, finish those landings, and win gold for the team! Wages $350 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Starthour 12.00 Working hours 08.00 Outfit Sweatsuit Carpool Sports Car - Mid Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 1 Charisma + 1 Creativity + 2 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 2
Level 5 Title Elite Gymnast Description My goodness! You're practically a 24-hour gymnast. When's the last time you talked somebody besides your coach and team mates? Don't worry, when those cereal boxes have your picture on the front, it will all be worth it. Go work on some routines, Keep in mind, Nationals are only 3 weeks away! Wages $500 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Starthour 11.00 Working hours 09.00 Outfit Tracksuit Carpool Sports Car - Super Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 0 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 0
Level 6 Title All-Around Gymnast Description Great work! Years and years of crying, screaming, and going home with sore muscles is finally starting to pay off. Sadly, you're not done yet. If you plan on being on the Olympic team better start eating a lot healthier, working out longer, and using ice more. Wages $650 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday Starthour 10.00 Working hours 10.00 Outfit Tracksuit Carpool Sports Car - Super Cooking + 2 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 1 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 2 Friends + 0
Level 7 Title Olympic Gymnast Description The crowd is chanting your name. Your coach is hugging you. The judges were impressed. Now that you've won gold at the Olympics you're unstoppable! Cereal boxes, talk shows, and so much more awaits you! It's time to share your story with the world! Wages $1000 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Starthour 12.00 Working hours 08.00 Outfit Tracksuit Carpool Limo Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 1 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 0
Level 8 Title National Gymnastics Spokesperson Description Legend. That's the only word that can describe the person you are. A leotard brand all designed by you. Chairperson of the National Gymnastics Foundation. Girls and boys everywhere look to you as an inspiration. Very, very good! Wages $2000 Days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Starthour 12.00 Working hours 06.00 Outfit Leather Jacket Carpool Limo Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 1 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 0 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 1
Level 9 Title Olympic Team Head Coach Description Even though you stop competing, coaching is good too. Plus, we're talking Olympic Team coach. These people get paid the big bucks. With your own state of the art gymnasium, the ability to make other gymnast's dream come true is in your hands. Relate to them, you used to be in their shoes. Wages $3005 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 10.00 Outfit Coach Carpool Sports Car - Super Cooking + 1 Mechanical + 1 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 1 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 1 Friends + 0
Level 10 Title Retired Coach Description A life devoted to gymnastics. There's not one thing you don't know about it. You still make cash from that leotard line, talk to young gymnast, even have your own gymnastics equipment company! Plus, we all know you can throw a double back with no problem on the trampoline. Congratulations on all your success! Wages $4500 Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday Starthour 09.00 Working hours 05.00 Outfit Everyday Outfit Carpool Limo Cooking + 0 Mechanical + 0 Body + 0 Charisma + 0 Creativity + 0 Logic + 1 Cleaning + 0 Friends + 0
Original icon http://www.google.com/imgres?q=gymnastics&um=1&hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=888&tbm=isch&tbnid=0y-roJwRfyKavM:&imgrefurl=http://web.nmsu.edu/~aprilj/ET255/sports.php/women.html&docid=VV0rDP_ylKoUCM&imgurl=http://web.nmsu.edu/~aprilj/ET255/sports.php/gym2.JPG&w=400&h=260&ei=LDh4UOiVD4TjqgGXn4GADw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=651&vpy=384&dur=22&hovh=181&hovw=279&tx=199&ty=160&sig=110771477958884626336&page=1&tbnh=151&tbnw=201&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:174 Justification by requester "My request is very unique and really does let a sim go through the stages of being a gymnast. Not many people think of gymnastics as sport or career and I think if you create my request it's sure to show people the wonderful life of being a gymnast. "