


donderdag 28 februari 2013

Post/upload on Sims 2 Idea

  1. Let me know you want to upload/post.
    1. Information I need:
      1. Your nickname
      2. Your gmail account e.g. s2i.request@gmail.com
      3. Creations you already made or what you want to make
      4. How and where you want to share your creations
        1. Your own Skydrive, mediafire, MTS, TSR,…
        2. Sent it to me to put it on my Skydrive
      5. You can also post ideas like situations, challenges,… Just let me know!
    2. Send me a PM at MTS or TSR à nickname Lientebollemeis
    3. Send me an e-mail à s2i_request@hotmail.be
  2.  Log in to your gmail account and confirm the invitation I sent.

  3.  Go to the blog and sign in with your Google account on the right top of the screen

  4. Press this icon to make a new blogpost
  5. Now you can write a title for the post and write a text.

    On the right side there are more options to add labels, schedule the post, ...

  6. Press the icon "Publiceren"="post" to post the blogpost or press "opslaan"="save" to save the post as a concept.

    If you press “save” you need to press “sluiten”=”close” to go back
  7. When you go back: On your left side you see "instellingen"="settings"

  8. There you can setup an e-mailaddress to send to, so the blogpost is saved or posted right away.
  • Then you don't need to go to the blog every time to make a new post.

      • secretWords: Use a secret word only you know so only you can post in your name on the blog.
      • E-mail direct publiceren: The e-mail you send to this e-mailaddress will be posted on the blog right away.
      • E-mails opslaans als conceptbericht: When you send an e-mail to this address the post will be saved and not published. So you can edit it in when going to the blog and schedule, add labels,...
  • After you decided what option you'll use you press the button "instellingen opslaan"="save settings" on the right top side.

  • Example:
    • In this example the e-mailaddress to send to is: s2i.request.cornflakes@blogger.com
    • The posts will be saved first and won't be published right away.

P.S.: I’d like to keep the style of the blog the same for every blogpost. E.g.: Title always starts with “New”; always using the same labels for easy search on the blog;…
I give myself the right to change your blogpost to let it be the same style as all other blogposts. I won’t change the content unless it’s insulting or something like that.

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