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The creation will be/was published Aug 4, 2012
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Requester investwithasmile "MTS"
Career Title Samurai Warrior
Careerreward Obstacle Course
Level 1
Title Stable Hand
Description The very beginning of the road that leads to your goal of being a great and noble swordsman, you will need to start from the very basic tasks. Your daily chores involve, of course, tasks such as cleaning the stables and looking after the horses. Well, at least you may eventually catch the attention of a decent samurai, or even better, your lord, the Daimyo! After all, you know what they say - once you’re in, you’re in!
Wages 150
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Starthour 05.00
Working hours 10.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Hatchback
Level 2
Title Armory Carekeeper
Description Finally, no more work in that smelly stable! Nevertheless, the pay remains poor and the samurais still order you around. You are obligated to do much of the daily chores around the castle, but at least you get to work indoors! Your daily tasks now compel you to polish suits of armor, sharpen katanas, and keep the war equipment from rusting or falling apart. Shirking, in the worst case, may result in your samurai masters’ untimely death in battle, which will ultimately means your own too.
Wages 201
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Starthour 08.00
Working hours 08.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Hatchback
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 0
Level 3
Title Household Servant
Description It has been quite a long way from the dirty stables and the stuffy armory, but you are still a servant. The big difference is that you are no longer the errand boy for just anyone, but you now work for the Daimyo himself! You start to notice that lots of proud-looking individuals are paying their frequent visits to your lord. Your duties are becoming more sophisticated, and they require keener senses of observation. Basically, you are one of the closer companies to your master, but you will need to outshine the other servants so that your career path will open up for further expeditions.
Wages 298
Days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 08.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 4
Title Page
Description As a page, you are not a mere serving person. In fact, you are one of the most trusted individuals for your lord. Occasionally, you serve as an advisor or even his bodyguard in times of danger. The Daimyo would frequently seek your opinion on things, but he will still assign errands to you. Of course, you will need to return your lord’s trust with your faithful service, but there is nothing wrong with constant training to improve your skills. You must practice hard and work hard so that you may prove yourself to be even more useful an asset, so get used to those katanas now!
Wages 522
Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 11.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Town Car
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 0
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 5
Title Samurai
Description At long last, you have been assigned to the frontlines! Despite your humble birth, your master considers you to be competent enough for real combat action, and gives you a chance to perform on the battlefield. While feudal wars are highly life-threatening, your constant training with the sword and your Sensei’s teachings should prove sufficient to keep your head on the top of your neck where it belongs. Again, you must show your enemies that you are to be feared above others, and show your lord that you are capable of leading his army!
Wages 650
Days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 06.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool HMV
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 2
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 0
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 6
Title Magistrate
Description Through outstanding feats and heroism in battle, your lord is very satisfied and promotes you to the ranks of his trusted generals. While you are no longer directly involved in close-quarter combats and duels, it will be inexcusable to let yourself go out of shape. As a magistrate, you feel obliged to be strict on yourself and, to a lesser extent, your subordinates. Proud samurais hold the view that one must practice “the pen and the sword in accord”, and you are no exception. Keep your wits and your katana sharp, so that you can lead in the bigger picture.
Wages 1457
Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Starthour 10.00
Working hours 06.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool HMV
Cooking + 2
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 0
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 7
Title Strategist
Description As a strategist, you are basically the right-hand man of your lord, the Daimyo. He has been expanding much in influence and you are one of the people to be thanked for that. You are back to your seat at your lord’s side again, and while it reminds both him and you of your good old days as his trusted page, your responsibilities are now entirely different. Your intellect will be put to the test as you help him run his lands and fight off the other rivaling warlords.
Wages 1743
Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 19.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Sports Car - Low
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 0
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 8
Title Head Instructor
Description Congratulations! Through your superb intellect, your master, the former Daimyo, has now unified the warring states together and he has been awarded the title of Shogun! Now that the war is over, the main focus has shifted to the training of the soldiers in general, so that the newly unified country stays strong. Your lord, the new Shogun, long impressed by your skills with the sword, offers you the position of head instructor. You are now in effect the Sensei of everyone in the Shogun’s army, and even his children compete to receive your tutelage! However, the Shogun himself begins to have difficulties with his health, after many years of battle and self-exhaustion.
Wages 2203
Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 15.00
Working hours 03.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Sports Car - Mid
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 9
Title Founder of Sword School
Description The Shogun, your kind master, has passed away. His last words to you were that you, his long time friend, may choose to be free from a life of servitude at long last, now that the land is at peace. To your grief, he told you to travel the lands with his blessing and all the support that you would ever need, but that you must promise to come back to his empire’s aid, should the dire need ever arise. After a long journey, you eventually settled down and established your very own dojo. The new Shogun, your former pupil, deeply respects you, and young people from far and wide travel across the land to your doorsteps to enlist as your dojo’s students.
Wages 2785
Days Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 15.00
Working hours 03.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool Limo
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 10
Title Legendary Swordsman
Description With your lifelong involvement with the art of the sword, you have tacitly acquired great knowledge, not only about the sword, but also about the heart of Zen and the meaning of life. Your mind is now in a state of constant peace, regardless of whatever chaos might occur. Gradually, you have risen from being just a master of the sword to a venerable spiritual figure, whose deeds exhibit true wisdom, virtue and kindness, consistent with the very essence of Bushido. Perhaps, after all, the way of the sword is not meant for killing others, but rather for killing our own weaknesses and flaws.
Wages 3333
Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 03.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Everyday Outfit
Carpool CaptHeroFlyaway
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Original icon
Additional credits AnnDeLune, getagirl4, JohnBrehaut1, and Rosesims, for the creation of neat samurai-themed items, which should prove to be fine complements for this career!