


dinsdag 10 juli 2012

New Conversion: Wedding Planner (request)

Before you download this career you need to download the Careers mod from Twallan here: Careers so that the career shows up in-game!

Lientebollemeis asked me to convert some of her sims 2 careers and I was very happy to do that! So this is one of her careers, Wedding Planner! It was requested for the sims 2 from SonicBoom12.

You find here a conversion of the career for sims 3. So any additional texts, infos etc. are by myself, but the origional idea is from Lientebollemeis and SonicBoom12.

Here is the full information for the career. The career is located at the business rabbithole and the focus is on design (painting), cooking and charisma. It has custom tones, but remember you need to have one point of each skill so that the custom tones show up!

The levels
(if you want to be surprised during gameplay I suggest not reading this text)

Career: http://sdrv.ms/NJHPqL

Technical stuff:
My patch level is, I have only the base game installed.

Additional Credits:
Thanks to Lientebollemeis and Sonicboom12 for the original sims 2 career. And thanks to Twallan for his career mod and the creators of s3pe.

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